Mr. Richard Long is Vice President of S.T. Hudson Enqineers, Inc.
a 35 year old, established and experienced marine design and construction company. Mr. Long has special expertise in cost effective marine, mechanical and electrical design and the implementation of marine projects. He has served clients throughout the East Coast area on government, commercial and industrial projects. Besides hydrographic site surveys, construction and installation management, Mr. Long will have the responsibility of advising management on all maritime permits needed to complete our projects. He heads a division that can provide full civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and environmental engineering services. Clients include South Jersey Port Corp., a state agency that operates two marine terminals in the City of Camden, N.J., the Philadelphia Navy Yard, the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, the Delaware River and Bay Authority, the Diamond State Port Corp., the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the New York City Economic Development Corp., International Matex Tank Terminals, G.A.T.X. Terminals Corp., the United States Naval Shipyard, Coastal Eagle Point Oil Co., New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry, the Delaware Department of Resources and Environmental Control, Home Port Alliance for USS New Jersey, Inc., City of Camden, Trump Castle Associates, L.P., New Jersey Division of Building and Construction, Trenton, N.J, Texas Caribbean, Inc., Public Service Electric and Gas, Steuart Petroleum Co., Coastal Aruba Refining Co., The Hillier Group, CIBRO Petroleum Co., Corestates Philadelphia National Bank, Texaco Haiti, Inc., and Keystone Cogeneration Systems, Inc. He will be involved in the design and production of the prototype to be ocean tested.