Werner Neuburger is Chief Consulting Engineer. Mr. Neuburger has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the City University of New York with post graduate studies at City College of New York and Pratt Institute. He is a World War II combat veteran (Pacific Theater) and, after reenlistment, served in the U.S. Army Intelligence Service. Mr. Neuburger has half a century of engineering experience accomplishing complex projects. He has been employed by Miles Reproducer Co., Data Pic Systems, Inc., and Lester Associates where he progressed from senior engineer to project engineer and then to Vice President of Engineering. At Lester Associates, he was in charge of creating prototypes of production items for industry. Some of his clients were: the United States Navy, Disney Corp., Epcot, IBM, , General Electric, Liberty Science Center and the Smithsonian-Geological Division. At Data Pic Systems, he was involved in the design and production of system monitor panels, which were computer operated and integrated with field sensors. These monitor panels are located in system control rooms and are installed in control room environments all over the world, in locations such as China (Hong Kong), Korea, Egypt, Phillippines, and Saudi Arabia. Some of the local clients include: Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Jersey Central Power and Light Co., Power Authority of N.Y., Con Edison Co. of N.Y., Middlesex Water District, and Public Service Electric and Gas. Mr. Neuburger is the co-inventor of two patents issued while employed at Data Pic Systems. Mr. Neuburger has and will continue to be involved in the development of the Electricity Generating Wave Pipe.